Are You Actually Ready for Love?

Are You Actually Ready for Love?

This is the hottest time of year for love and romance… Memorial Day barbecues kick-off summer parties and summer dating — when more and more people are out and about. But there’s a big problem: While many women SAY they’re ready for love this summer… Not...
Are you up for a challenge ???

Are you up for a challenge ???

The number one thing to change to attract a good man is actually not your dating profile or the clothes you wear… It’s your mindset. We see what we believe, not we believe what we see. Femininity is about believing BEFORE you see it, not after…it’s...
Do you find yourself asking……….

Do you find yourself asking……….

Do you find yourself asking, “Where are all the good men?” Or, “I can’t find a good man!” Or, “I just need to find the right guy. I’m ready.” Then you’re not alone. Many women show up thinking they just need a man. But it’s a bit of a trick, because if we...
What is your level of commitment to love?

What is your level of commitment to love?

I want to chat about getting ready for dating, as you get ready for love this summer and as you build your identity around your level of commitment to love. I know that every woman that I speak to is always like “he had commitment issues” “there was this or there was...
Was I who I wanted to be?

Was I who I wanted to be?

Imagine you’re driving a car and you want to look forward into that big, beautiful expanse and everything that you’re going towards… not into that tiny screen that’s up there which is the rear-view mirror. If you look into the rear-view mirror...

Easier Cycles & Conception Now with Freya Health

Today, I want to tell you something most women don’t know about their cycles… Dreading that time of the month is no longer necessary, even if you’ve had horrible periods your whole life. You can go from PMS to a smooth and healthy flow and improved fertility, without...
The City of Love

The City of Love

Wow! I am so excited…in just 10 days I will be in Paris, the city of love, the city of light, with women in my year-long program Queens Club. I am over-the-moon (and over-the-Atlantic ;-)) thrilled about this luxurious gathering. Because these women have done a...
Sunday Fun-day

Sunday Fun-day

What’s your ideal Sunday? Brunch with friends? Sleeping in late with your husband? A romantic picnic? I used to dread Sundays Not just because they meant that Monday was around the corner, But because by that time in the weekend I was really sick of being alone. For...
Take Your Power Back NOW!

Take Your Power Back NOW!

How often have you felt outraged after the fact? Maybe a bad date, a line crossed, or a snide put-down that catches us off guard… Or maybe a gift, an offer to help, and our own shut down or resistance pops up. Lost power doesn’t mean it’s gone forever though!!! Energy...
Fresh Start, Starting Now!

Fresh Start, Starting Now!

  This is the time of year when we clean out our closets and make trips to Goodwill. I took out about 6 garbage bags of old clothes and towels…and I don’t even have that much stuff to begin with! Do you like spring cleaning, or is it kind of a drag? I...

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