Wondering what to get a friend, lover, or family member for Valentine’s?

Support a Black-Owned Business with your online shopping — check out this list of 181 companies you can buy from directly.

Racial and wealth disparities in the United States have been thrown into sharp relief by the COVID-19 pandemic and racial unrest throughout 2020. We see more clearly than ever just how often Black business owners and creatives have been thought of as less than their Caucasian counterparts – and Black businesses are paying the price.

Black businesses are impacted more deeply than Caucasian businesses by COVID-related closures, due to the long history of racial inequality that’s now exacerbated by the ongoing state of emergency.

It feels like an overwhelming problem – and it is – but there’s one simple thing you can do right now to help: Shop at Black-owned businesses whenever you can.

Supporting Black-owned businesses helps provide much-needed stability to business owners that have been hard hit by the pandemic. And you’re laying a foundation to continue to support Black businesses long after the crisis is over.”
I am committed to helping build a more equitable society and economy. In the past year I’ve switched business mentors so I am being coached by black women, have hired guest speakers of color, and am shopping more often with black-owned businesses. I will also be donating 5% of our profit to organizations that support women of color, from 2020 and ongoing.

And, I want to add another business to this list — The Black Goddess Within oracle deck. Dr Giavanni Washington, the creator, is also on an upcoming episode of the podcast which I will be sharing soon. The oracle deck she created is powerful, necessary, and beautiful as we celebrate, revere, and normalize the black body in spiritual spaces.

Dr. Washington also leads a Meet the Goddess Within mastermind that I highly recommend.

Simple shifts go a long way. I hope you’ll join me and celebrate Valentine’s Day in a more inclusive way this year, and also celebrate Black History month by shopping Black-Owned businesses.

xoxo Violet

P.S. Celebrate Black History Month and Valentine’s Day by shopping from Black-Owned businesses. Here’s a list of 181 in the US across a variety of products and services.

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