Has this ever happened to you? The person you’re texting or dating or even falling in love with, does an emotional disappearing act?


All of a sudden there’s fewer texts, less sharing, and you get that weird feeling that something shifted? But he’s not saying why???


I don’t know what’s worse about this — the anxiety it creates or the doubt that he’s actually a good fit for you if this is how he communicates.


If you don’t figure out how to navigate the emotional disappearing act, you can get stuck in an emotionally unavailable “relationship” or end up in very short term situations again and again.


One reason why this might be happening to you is your own ability to stay emotionally open and expressive. I call this Dynamic Relating.


Most of us have a hard time staying open…we receive love and we find a way to reject it (especially when we’re attracted to bad-boys or fixer-uppers)…or we don’t like a certain behavior and we shut down.


We often find a way to reject a potential relationship instead of being open to what develops WHILE setting healthy boundaries and speaking our truth.


The root of this is simple: we emotionally disappear from ourselves. We freeze instead of relating dynamically.


We don’t slow down to feel, or take the time to be vulnerable about what we think about a situation. We blame the guy but we’re just as emotionally hot/cold, or emotionally misattuned and not able to step back a bit when it’s clear he needs his space.


Imagine what it would be like to stay emotionally open and expressive AND be in your power so you don’t get hurt…


Imagine how it would feel to have him RESPECT you for sharing your feelings instead of brushing you aside… (my clients tell me every day how well their dates respond when they speak from their heart as I guide them to)


Imagine how great it would be to navigate emotional closeness and emotional space without losing your confidence or your growing relationship…


Are you ready to be empowered and emotionally available in love?


Xoxo, Violet


PS if you want to be able to create closeness with someone you like, again and again, and stay in your power while dating, I can teach you how to do Dynamic Relating and how to be emotionally available WITH healthy boundaries. But you have to take action to get help. Sign up for a free Breakthrough to Love call here and get clarity on what’s been keeping you from love and encouragement for your vision of partnership: www.violetlange.com/talk

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