Most women know what they want in love…


(and if you don’t, let’s talk because having a solid vision is super important)


Most women, however, don’t know how to attract what they want in love.


Because attraction is a funny thing…


Have you ever been set up with someone you thought was cute, and then no chemistry?


(if you’ve never been set up, let’s talk because you should be getting set up and letting your friends/network be doing some of this work for you!)


Have you ever gone on a date with someone you met online, and it just didn’t click despite him having an awesome, successful profile?


Understanding why you’re attracting the guys you’re attracting, and knowing HOW to change your patterns of attraction will change your entire dating experience…


And help you bring in Mr. Right…


instead of guys with all chemistry and no compatibility, or guys with all compatibility and no chemistry.


If you don’t get this part of dating and love, you’ll be spinning your wheels for a very long time, and ping-ponging back and forth between these two types.


Check out this video to see if you’re attracting the right guy for you


Xoxo, Violet


P.S. If you check out the video, you’ll notice we were doing a little contest at the time — that contest is over, but I still have something awesome for you. A free Breakthrough to Love 45 minute call where you get to share what’s been going on in your love life and we help you get clarity and insight, and help you understand the next steps to find love:

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