Today I want to thank YOU! Thank you for being in my life and for being an advocate for love.


Thank you for cheering each other on, continuing to believe in healthy relationships, and role-modeling empowered feminine energy for your children and everyone around you.


Over the last 3 years I’ve trained over 20,000 women on love and femininity. We are building a global revolution of love!


Each time you read a message from me and open your heart or date in a way that’s discerning or reach out for help, you are changing the game when it comes to healthy, interdependent partnership.


This type of relationship not only changes your life, it changes our society.


For you today, I am grateful.


And as a thank you, today you can still get my course Trust Yourself ( for free when you sign up for Win in Online Dating. My assistant Elizabeth will get you all set up just click here and register before midnight.


May your HEART (and your belly :)) be full today, and may your mind be clear, as you create and are surrounded by great love.


Xoxo, Violet

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